Meet our team of Magic Makers.


  • Ashley (Magic Me)

    Founder and Chief Magic Maker


    I grew up in CT and was fortunate to travel to Orlando regularly as a child. I was introverted and nerdy, always loving the newest book or film fantasy series. Now I am a self-proclaimed nerd who has turned her love of magic and fantasy into a passion for making magic moments possible for others.

    Favorite Princess: Tiana because she knew that dreams don’t come true without hard work. She’s the princess that inspires me, and I want my daughter to aspire to be.

    Favorite Wizard: George Weasley because he was so overlooked! How ingenious he and his twin brother were to create all of the Weasley Wizard Wheezes products. I also love a good sense of humor.

    Favorite Park: Epcot was a source of inspiration as a child for me with the focus on science, learning, culture, and imagination. Now I can share that inspiration with my children and enjoy drinks around the world!

    Favorite Ride: Space Mountain was my first roller coaster, and it’s still my first stop in the Magic Kingdom. For me, nothing beats that dark race through the stars.

  • Mark (Magic Me Husband)

    Magic Design Maker


    I’m along for the Magic Me ride with my wife Ashley. I didn’t discover how awesome theme park travel could be until she arranged our first trip together. From the moment our feet hit the ground in Orlando to the parks, to City Walk and Disney Springs, and all the moments in between, I was amazed at how much fun an adult male could have at these parks!

    Favorite Princess: Moana didn’t listen to her father, but she proved him wrong when she didn’t take no for an answer. I love her determination. Seeing a princess who wasn’t concerned with getting married was refreshing too. She also put a demigod in his place, so there’s that.

    Favorite Wizard: Dumbledore, obviously. I’m a card-carrying member of Dumbledore’s army. #DAForever

    Favorite Park: Hollywood Studios is by far my favorite park. Nothing can compare to Galaxy’s Edge. You become a part of Star Wars, and there’s a life-sized Millennium Falcon! I also love Rock’n Roller Coaster and Lightning McQueen Academy.

    Favorite Ride: Flight of Passage is the most impressive motion ride I’ve ever experienced. To me, it sets the standard for all future motion rides. It’s worth the long line, I promise.

Magic Me Social Contributors

  • Sean (Magic Me Brother)

    Favorite Character: Goofy

    Favorite Park: Animal Kingdom

    Favorite Ride: Flight of Passage

  • Nic and Anna (Magic Me Canada & Magic Me Anna)

    Favorite Characters: Pocahontas, Mando, and Grogu

    Favorite Park: Hollywood Studios

    Favorite Ride: Rise of the Resistance and Tron

  • Lee (Magic Me Lee)

    Favorite Character: Stitch and Powerline Max

    Favorite Park: EPCOT

    Favorite Ride: Living with the Land

  • Magic Me Mom

    Favorite Character: Belle

    Favorite Park: EPCOT

    Favorite Ride: Pirates of the Caribbean

    She’s not a posting on social media, but she always provides great content when she travels with Magic Me!